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Robots and Magic

The website of David Shinsel, Author
(or perhaps, Author Wannabe)

Hi, glad you found my author website.

All my life, I have been fascinated by technology and magic. My engineering career focused in areas of robotics and video game graphics, with a pinch of deep learning and Ai for spice. The best video games are interactive stories and the most interesting thing about robots are how they interact with humans and their environment.

So now, I’m an aspiring storyteller. I have these crazy stories running around in my head, trying to get out onto paper. Or Kindle. Whatever. Some of my stories go off into worlds of fantasy. Others may go off into worlds of technology. Some may do both. As Author C. Clark said,

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

I hope you enjoy my visions of technology and magic.

Dave Shinsel, March, 2021

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